Thursday, October 19, 2006

Begin the begin

I was roasting tomatillos the other night when a thought occurred to me. This often happens. The thought was - why doesn't someone publish a really good college football blog on the Internet? One that dives into the passion of our favorite sport, and takes head on the controversies that divide teams and conferences and families and sometimes bars.

Then I read the Internet, and found that this thought has occurred to many, many, many other people as well. At least eighty-three other people by my count.

Undaunted, I pressed on. Wait, I thought...why not create a blog that covers all of this from a West Coast perspective? Hey, I thought, I live on the West Coast, so that would work pretty nicely for me.

Then I read the Internet some more, and discovered that several other people have had the exact same idea.

At this point I took off the oven mitts and poured myself a tequila. Then it hit me - college football...and basketball...from a West Coast perspective...but covering the whole country...replete with witty and urbane references... it just might work...

Or not. I've got to get back to my salsa.


At 12:41 AM, Anonymous site said...

Thank you for the post, pretty helpful info.


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